A couple of days ago I printed off a few BBC documents about blogging:
Now I just need to read them...
War and terrorism through the eyes of new media
"...a magnificent case study of the tensions between continuity and change in journalism" -- Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
"This book offers a rare insight into the processes of negotiation within a globally renowned news organisation as it seeks to rethink editorial roles and rules for a networked society." -- Alfred Hermida, University of British Columbia, Canada
Hello Daniel - can't find an email on your blog. Just wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in setting up a blog at www.fromthefrontline.co.uk ?
We're always on the look out for people who might be interested in blogging as part of the group of war reporting/foreign corrs/media blogs we have and your research is right on topic for what the club does - www.frontlineclub.com
If it's something that might interest you, let me know.
I am definitely interested. It would be great to hear what you have in mind. Apologies for the shortage of email details. You can contact me at mail@dsbennett.co.uk.
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