
Monday, 2 June 2008

Some links about the BBC for Monday morning

I'm spending some time getting back on top of the blogs. Here are the first fruits of this morning's rather languid labour:
  • The BBC Trust has published its latest review of the BBC's services. Alfred Hermida has searched through and found the relevant sections on BBC News Online and the BBC's blogs.
  • Nick Reynolds, Editor of the BBC Internet Blog and a great believer in openness, is amused/annoyed by an Observer article quoting BBC 'sources', insider', 'insiders', 'executives', 'correspondents'. Who are these people, he wants to know? He's had one answer already...
  • It's not easy getting journalists into Burma, so a lot of the media have been pitching their tents in Thailand. But reporting from there isn't straightforward either according to Jon Williams, the BBC's World News Editor.


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