
Showing posts with label Basra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basra. Show all posts

Friday 11 January 2008

Photoblog post of 4 Rifles in Basra

Last year, independent journalist, Michael Yon, was embedded with 4 Rifles in Basra and he's been writing up dispatches chronicling his time with the British Army.

Unlike the other parts, Part V is mainly a series of photos with commentary.

He begins by mentioning a conversation with William Rigby, whose identical twin brother, John, was killed in June.

Wednesday 2 January 2008

4 Rifles in Basra in 2007

Parts III and IV of Michael Yon's dispatches from 4 Rifles deployment in Basra last year. You can find Parts I and II here if you missed them before.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

4 Rifles in Basra

4 Rifles came home from Basra, Iraq last weekend after a six month tour of duty. If you want to find out what they've been up to for the last few months, Michael Yon, an 'independent' American journalist has been embedded with them. He's currently writing up a series of dispatches. Part One is introductory, providing some background on British operations in and around Basra. Part Two describes the battalion's first mission during the tour on 21 May.
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