
Showing posts with label Defence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defence. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 March 2008

US fatalities in Iraq and other links

US in Iraq

  • Three American soldiers have died in a rocket attack in southern Iraq. At least 3,987 American military personnel have lost their lives in the five year conflict (AP)...
  • ...but fewer Americans are aware of the extent of the casualties according to a Pew Research Center publication. Pew's research showed that only 28% of American adults are aware that the fatality figure is around 4,000.
  • Here's one blog reaction to the research (Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus).
Defence in the Budget in the UK
  • The Treasury believes that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the UK Government £2 billion next year (The Times).
  • The Guardian claims that social networking restrictions and guidelines are in the offing for BBC staff.
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