
Showing posts with label Frontline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frontline. Show all posts

Thursday 8 April 2010

Fancy a crash course in social media on Monday?

Word is that an odd place or two is still available for my social media training course this Monday.

Some people have said it "sounds great" and is a "brilliant price".

Click here for more details and email to book a place.

Friday 23 October 2009

Revisiting Moldova's 'Twitter Revolution'

I've written an update on the so-called 'Twitter Revolution' in Moldova for the Media140 blog. You can find it here.

I'll probably cross post it to my Frontline blog in the near future (changing the error in the first sentence in the process. Frustratingly I can't do anything about it on the Media140 blog and I believe the person who could do something about it is on a train heading for Bath. Ah well.)

My previous pieces from April when it all kicked off can be found here and here.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Live debate from the Frontline Club: Gaza - Missiles and Messages

Live TV : Ustream
A debate on media coverage of the conflict in Gaza including contributions from:

Jonathan Miller (C4)
Alan Fisher
(Al Jazeera)
Harriet Sherwood (The Guardian)
Ruthie Blum Leibowitz (The Jerusalem Post) via Skype
Lior Ben Dor (Israeli affairs specialist)

Location: The Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 2QJ

Friday 9 January 2009

More 'Gaza media coverage' on the soon to be improved Frontline Blog

I've got a couple of other bits on Gaza up on the Frontline blog.

One post on War 2.0 and another about discrepancies in the figures the Israelis are giving out on the number of rockets being fired into Gaza.

The latter was picked up by The Guardian's live Gaza blog.

Incidentally, the Frontline blog is currently undergoing a makeover and I'm hoping that very soon you'll be able to bask in the shiny new glow of the updated blog.

From my point of view, it should mean blogging will be much more straightforward. I'm looking forward to being liberated from the blogging dark ages where moving photos involves coding in the phrase 'align="right"', (by hand), and resizing means taking out a calculator.

(Maybe one day I'll look back at these days with a sense of nostalgia. But probably not.)

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Danish Milblog launching at the Frontline Club

The Frontline Club are hosting a blog by a Danish soldier due to be deployed in Afghanistan in the near future.

After going through the rigmarole of medical jabs, writing a will, and telling his family that he's about to go to one of the most dangerous places on the planet, Lars decides to entitle his first post: 'Why do I do it?' Indeed.
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