
Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Future of Journalism Notes 3: Swedish business journalists and blogs

Just rounding up the notes on the Future of Journalism Conference in Cardiff last week - a short piece on this paper on Swedish business journalists and blogs.

Blog-Journalist Relations: Business News in Transformation

(Maria Grafstrom and Karolina Windell)

This study looked at the use of blogs by business journalists in the press in Sweden.
- used content analysis and a survey
- 187 business journalists, 79 replied. Response rate 42%.
- Covered all the main business news outlets in Sweden.
- 0 articles in 2001 mentioned the word blog.
- Over 1,000 articles containing 'blog' in 2006.
- 61% of the articles mentioning the word blog were stories about blogs.
- 16% of the articles include a direct quote from a blog.
- 23% of the articles referenced a blog.
- 63% of journalists strongly disagreed with the statement 'I reference blogs in my work'.

One Swedish business journalist said: "I have simply no time to read blogs. I have not yet seen any reason as to why I should prioritise something factual oriented less in favour of the more opinion oriented blogsophere".

The Swedish researchers said that journalists are referencing blogs but at the same time they are quite hesitant to admit that they do so. They claimed that there seems to be a difference between blogs and other online sources.

Monday 3 December 2007

Iraqis being smuggled (just over the border) into Sweden

Thousands of Iraqi refugees may be returning to Iraq according to the BBC, but an investigation by a Swedish radio station suggests that 70 Iraqis a day are being illegally smuggled into Sweden (and presumably, given the length of the trip, won't be returning any time soon). Apparently 20,000 will arrive this year.

That's a lot of people likely to be suffering from culture shock. Temperature in Stockholm currently 4 degrees Celsius; Baghdad, a mild 17. And that'll probably be the least of their worries. How easy it is for Iraqis to learn Swedish, for example?

An English translation of the report can be found here - very helpful for those of us not blessed with a working knowledge of Swedish. Needless to say, I can't vouch for the accuracy of the translation. I've emailed my (only) Swedish contact to see if this influx of Iraqis is something she's aware of.
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