
Showing posts with label contempt of court. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contempt of court. Show all posts

Thursday 16 June 2011

The Evening Standard's 'Internet threatens justice' headline

I've just been reading the Evening Standard on the tube home. Specifically, the story about Lord Judge sentencing a juror to 8 months in prison for contempt of court after she contacted a defendant via Facebook.

The headline which accompanies the story in the paper edition of The Evening Standard on page 7 reads:
Judge: Internet threatens justice
I was intrigued to read that the very same Lord Judge is later quoted in the article as saying:
"The problem therefore is not the Internet. The potential problems arise from the activities of jurors who disregard the long-established principles which underpin the right of every citizen to a fair trial."
I would suggest that The Evening Standard's headline is somewhat misleading. But such is the nature of headlines, I suppose.
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